A Trick of the Light - Lois Metzger

I don't get a feeling I got with this book very often. I was completely, excuse my French, mindfucked by this from the very beginning and sometimes I needed to take a break and process everything that I've read. It's unusual, strange, weird - however you want to call it - book and it takes some time getting used to it, or it did for me. But once I did, I couldn't keep my eyes off this book. It's a fast read, but so terrifying at the same time that it'll made you question everything that you've just read. Anorexia is an eating disorder that mostly gets younger girls, teenagers, and sometimes people forgot it can happen to males, too. This book shows perfectly how it can happen to anyone.
Everything is straight-forward, bold and astonishingly honest. There is no sugar coating, everything is described in detail - Mike's mind, the voice in his head that's probably the most terrifying thing in the story, and his process to having anorexia nervousa, without him realizing it for the most of the book, which is not surprising. I liked that more than anything. It only made me want to finish it as fast as I did and I'm definitely not sorry for picking this book up and reading it in hours time. I'll most likely go back and read this over and over again. There is no way I could give it any less than 5 stars. It's just that good.